
NEU: Inner Circle for GUITAR 

s. Aktuelles & Info


s. Improvisation


I'm very sad about Ginger Baker! One of the best drummers of all time! R.I.P. ... I started as a drummer when I was 16! ;) 

Learn E-Guitar Phase I -

I am on your shoulder (my FavSong of the month - Bonussong von bf4) s. Aktuelles & Info

Guitar Training Phase I, Rock & Blues Quickstart for Beginners,

Hard Rock Lead & Rhythm, Songwriting, Song Studies

Marvin's RPG - musical inspirations

Hi my friends! ;>)


Here I'm gonna post some stuff, that comes into my mind for Marvin's RPG. - If anyone wants to join us, plz write me under "Kontakt" - just scroll down.... Actually we're lookin' for a graphic designer & a sound engineer, but everyone is welcome, who wants to join us. OK, just contact me for more info!


Yours, Siggy! ;>)

Keep on rockin'! Yeah! 


(Da die meisten Beteiligten englischsprachig sind, wurde beschlossen, die Konversationen auf englisch zu führen. - Mit google-Übersetzer kein Problem, oder?) ;>)

Just click over to "Aktuelles & Info" and scroll down for the song "I am on your shoulder" - it's one of the best game-songs, I know. And I corrected the text. I searched online, but was not correct, what ppl. wrote there... :P - So my version seems to be right! ;>) enjoy! 

RPG - Basics of music


Let's get down to business right away:


The predominant key is minor. Our sound material is therefore melodic or harmonic minor,

minor cadences, -chords & -progressions, -scales & -modes.


My 1st approach: 


With drop(ped) D-tuning


D as a pedal tone: Play Dm & Fmaj7 over it - sounds good! ;) then Gm & Am


From D to d, with Bb


Here's the 1st pattern: (normal tuning 1st)

(For reasons of space, I will not use the 4 others)

The 1st approach to improvisation: Play the scale up and down and try to end on a D-note. 

Give it a try. ;) 

We've got one decreased note in this scale: Bb (b flat) - for better understanding.

Then have fun improvising! ;>) 


Here are some exercises:


(Ooopsie! :D I just noticed, that I wrote the word "octave" in german, lol. :P Will correct soon, if I find time... ;>) - but I don't wanna be ingenious here... in the end, what counts, is the results! And these are the inspirations & recordings. Is not it?)


The wavy line means vibrato. If you're not familiar with it, just contact me, and I'll show you in a guitar lesson. ;>)

// Left column under "Kontakt"

I made a lick here: First, I play up to the end of the scale and vibrato the high d note. Then I use a few techniques downwards, like pull offs and a slide & vibrato the lower D. Give it a try:


Improvisation with D-aeolian

Warm Ups

Warm up be4 u play - just like before training! Here's a warm up exercise in D-aeolian:

// Play in all octaves.


So you also get good ideas for composing. Just jam around and the ideas just fly to you! ;>)


OK, have fun & cya soon! ;>)

Keep on rockin'! 


Here the harmonic & melodic scale in Dm for comparison:


Chords in Dm played as arpeggio:


A lil' tricky, but play one measure, then the next and see how far you will come... can take some time, to get everything done! ;) 

Have fun with it! ;) 

& have a rockin' day!


Yeah, :) the muse just kissed me again! ;>) Just wrote a cool backingtrack for the game. Sounds cool & has that dark sound & feeling, Marvin wants for the game! ;)

Can be played with drop D-tuning as well with crunchy sound or distortion, echo, reverb & delay.

Let ring and use natural harmonics on it. 

... I wanna bring a theme with a lil' "soul feelin'" ;>) 'cause I also love Soul Music -naturally adapted to the general feeling... - here's an example: Sunny - the best soul song! ;>) enjoy!

I have the single! ;) 





Or some kind of this stuff:


One of the greatest rock groups - this song with an oriental feelin'! Yeah! Enjoy!


Here's Sunny - I just put the video in - easier for u then! ;) 

Hehehe, :D it reminds me, when I lectured Sunny once ... I played it in a dramatic way, lol -

like in an opera - but with a german text - translated word by word, what sounded really strange, hahaha (like a german comedian, called OTTO! Hihi. ) - Sounded like prose... and after a few sentences one of my friends had bitten off a glass! :o Huahahaha - was so terrible, lol. (& I jumped over to him and said: "is everything ok? :O " - hahaha I was also shocked.

OK, here's the text of the lil' anecdote:


Sonnig ... ge-hestern ma-haiin Leben ward gefüllt mit Re-hegennn!!!

Sonning... du lachtest gar lustig und erleichtertest meine Pein! 

(Und jetzt kommt's: & now it comes - at this part he bit the glass off, lol)

Die dunk'len Tag' sind vergangen "CRACK"... hahahahaha ... 

lol ... never forget this!  Hehehe :D :P  ;>) 


- He wasn't expecting me, to play crazy stuff like that, lol - and that just while he wanted to drink ... :D 


So better be warned, hehe - sth. crazy like this can happen to you at any time! ;>) 



Hey, ok, dear visitors! I'm very glad that you're here, so plz write me some lines in the guest book - on the left side, called "Gästebuch". thx a lot! ;>) 



Or how about this?: I studied Billy's style for a long time.



Today's Inspiration:

What you can do with 3 chords! ;) That is also my idea: Just take a chord progression and improvise over it. ;>)

The dark mood might be good for some game themes - here are the masters of Blues Rock:


For more info about Blues, Blues Rock, Rock or Hard Rock see left column under the respective topics. The pentatonic & blues scales are mostly used for improvisation in all genres listed above. - We could bring some stuff like this into the game- adapted to the story & the game.

It continues with some classic:


The sixth in Gm gives a special feeling... ;) It's called the "sixte ajoutée", if you add a sixth to the subdominant. In Am this would be: Am | Dm6 | E | Am. Cadences of this kind form a good basis for our musical backgrounds which can be expanded and chanced at will.


Here some classic runs up & down the Dm scale:


For Marvin :) 


// Your page was not reachable, so I post it here.


I know you're under a lot of pressure now because of the exam!


I just read about the bards in ancient times: they sang or played something

to encourage the warriors before the battle. So as a modern bard I want to also fulfill my 

duty, lol! :D 

Here is my latest brainstorm: Theme 2, the basic idea - you just have to work it out.

(I'll hold it back, 'til you got time again.)


So remember to take a deep breath! (Preferably 3x deep into your lower Dantian through 

your nose & exhale through your mouth. In tai chi, that's the point about 5 cm. under the 

navel.) I have been doing kung fu since childhood and you learn to breathe properly first!


The mind should be calm & clear, like the surface of a lake! So you can calm yourself before

a fight or other stressful situations! Banish all disturbing thoughts from your mind and 

focus solely on staying calm! (Not so easy!: D)


Plus a clip from one of my favorite games: SHENMUE II. As Rio was taught by Master Xiuying: 

(The scene starts at about 10 - about 10 minutes)




... Stay calm & realize the true nature of things!

At time 14:50 he learns how to "clear his mind like a polished mirror, like the quiet surface 

of the water..." ;) 


In this sense, we wish you all the best & good luck! ;>) 



Here's the video I mentioned above:


Your bard


Sigurd!    ;>)




Hey guys, I just found, that I was still picking up everything from the ORR I was working on with Marvin at the time. Good that I left this here! Just look on the left side under ORR, ORR-Inspirations or Film Soundtracks... we can use it here. 

I love the film CONAN! The theme is also very cool! Just listen to it!

"Open ruby rmk clips" is with a password ... hey Marvin, do you remember it? It's been a while, hehe - or maybe I'll find it. ;>) 



- - - - -


Wooow - with 3 os:

A cool inspiration:


Whenever a fight begins in the game, a bard appears beforehand and plays a victory anthem! :D

Hahaha, that would be coool! ;>) 



Well, now & now I really freak out - be4 I was a session musician - played in JUZ, or on a wedding, when I put up a band in 14 days! I got the founder from one of the most popular bands in South Bavaria (that's where I am, lol a Barbarian, hehe! :D :P ) "SAX'N'DI"! We only played each piece twice during rehearsals ... the rest were improvised! But was a coool session. OK Here's a piece to really freak out: 



OK, with this song I say goodbye to the night:

Somewhat dramatic - a love song ... but Gary Moore was very virtuoso... nice guitar - enjoy, and have a relaxed evening - or night ... ;>) bye4now! 


// I wonder, when I can finally drive to prevence ... France... ;) I'd love it!

Hello my friends, :) 


I'm having a really coool Blues Rock-Evening! Yeah! ,,, -  or night? However, here's a coool piece: Billy Gibbons (nearly 80) invited some friends! ;) Watch the Guitar Lady - she looks cooool with 4 os, lol - or 5? Hehe - but also plays like that... just listen:



Made catering for them on tv - cool band!:



You need more than words to impress me... talk is cheap, u know? :P 


- You may think: What a crazy musician Marvin brought us here...? And you are right, lol! :P 

Sometimes I'm an arrogant axx... but I still try to put myself in the way of other people & try to be humble! 'cause listening to others & to respect your wishes will bring us closer to our goal:

To create a super coool RPG - with 3 os, yeah! ;>) 

My words to u! ;>) 


Keep on rockin'! Yeah! ;>) 


As a musician once said: Music hits you, or doesn't hit you! And that's true. As simple as that!

'cause everybody has a different taste - and we should try, to bring everybody in... right?





As Goethe aptly put it:


"The words have changed enough, let me finally see deeds!"


New inspiration: Making a cool rock theme


Here some songs to get the right feeling for it:

An idea from refi64:



My new inspiration - better said an old one. ;) 

I like to go back & c how the new rock musicians got their inspirations... and this is a classic! ;) Enjoy! 

Once I was at a party, & saw a piano standing around - then I tried to play this, hehe - over and over again... ;) lol - was funny!


About 50 years later: !!! 3 old members are still playing together! Sth. like that fascinates & motivates me! If they can - we can too! ;>) 

We just have to keep going - on & on & on... ;) 

// Would be a good song text! ;) 


OK, My idea is, to get some inspiration of that old rock machines! Yeah!

Have a rockin' day, yeah! ;>)

Rockin' with grandpa - but I love him! Billy invited some friends for some good, dirty Blues Rock from Texas! ;) Yeah, that rocks & rolls! ;>)

C the girl with the long, blonde hair? - hmmm ;>) I love long hair!!! (She played some neo-blues rock inspiration, lol. :P )


... speakin' of blonde hair ... reminds me of that:

(We could also put in a slow song or theme - best example: Mr. Slowhand - Eric Clapton - studied some song books ... ;>) ) 

... here it is - played that too - some years ago ...hmmm... enjoy... ;) 


Just discovered: That's exactly, how I do it - find a lick or a rhythm or whatever and from this small particles a whole piece will be formed... ;>) 


Wish you all a creative, productive long weekend! (And healthy of course!)


Your Bard, 


Sigurd! :)





Hello, my friends! ;) 


Here's a lil' taste of next summer: ;) 

/* Playing guitar outside, wind in my hair ... a cool drink in my hand ... ;>) a sweet girl in my arms... :D  */




Be safe! ;>)


& don't forget to practice!

Even from a bum you can learn something! ;) 

My 4th DC is broken, so can't play Shenmue anymore... 

but sometimes I watch some scenes...

Miss that game! 


Added sth. under:

Bluesrock + Hardrock Licks + Grooves + Soloing:


"Penta Scale mit 3 Fingern" Means Pentatonic Scale with 3 fingers.


Working out a Rock Groove.

Mir kam grade diese Idee: Schande über die Leute, die nur quatschen aber in Wirklichkeit gar nichts bewirken - also Blender! Tja... 'ne Schande... :P 

Although it doesn't seem to interest anyone anyway, 

most of them are just followers ... so, I do post a motivating 

song that may penetrate one or the other: ;>)